world is a rushy place, people running in pursuit of their destinies, destines that are not even theirs truly. People failing in theirs lives, depressed, never happy of their achievements, always always their is a gap, in their heart, in their mind, thirst for something they are not even aware of, always diverting their thoughts. Person is never able to figure out what it is.... and they would never find it out because they never ever even tried to search for their destinies, their true purpose of life. thing they are best at.
People who are at the top of the world, knew their weaknesses, their strengths, they knew how to get best out of themselves, these are the people who were able to recognize what they were destined to do, early in their life,, organizing, preparing themselves for setting on the path leading to their destines. these people are always satisfied with themselves, never wanting more then to achieve their destiny.
Friends, fellows do not just run after success, organize yourselves, seek your destiny let the success knock at your door, let it be running after you . all you have to do is keep your eyes open, observe look for thing hidden from naked eye, visible to the eye of heart.. for those who are wise for those who are determined ....